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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Culture: Russia

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Includes performing and visual arts, film, music, museums, theater, folklore. The Russian Internet has a wealth of resources on all aspects of cultural life. As there are so many high-quality sites, the items listed below represent only a sample. Use a Russian subject directory or search engine to explore others. For materials at the Library of Congress, consult its Motion Picture and Recorded Sound Reading Room, Performing Arts Reading Room, and American Folklife Center sites.

General Resources

The Face of Russia (
Web site based on the PBS series of the same name that focused on the history of Russian culture. Links to a timeline, information about the series, reference materials, and forums.

Федеральное агентство по культуре и кинематографии (
Official site of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, which falls under the control of the Ministry of Culture. In Russian.

Institute of Modern Russian Culture (IMRC) (
IMRC is concerned with the cultural history of Russia-especially the visual arts and literature during the 19th and 20th centuries. The primary aim of the IMRC is to preserve and propagate the esthetic values of Russian culture-particularly painting, architecture, photography, and the applied arts. Includes a slide library and links to other "cultural" Web sites. From the University of Southern California.

Культура – портал (
Russian portal covering all of the arts. Created by the newspaper Kul'tura. In Russian.

Культура телеканал (
Site of the Russian TV station Kul'tura links to stories and TV and radio programming on cultural topics. In Russian.

Министерство культуры и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (
Site of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Focuses on administrative aspects. In Russian.

Портал Архитектура России: (
Russian portal devoted to architecture. The site provides numerous online publications, news, book reviews, links to other architecture sites, as well as an English and Russian catalog of architectural monuments. Available in English and Russian; more information in Russian.

Портал "Култура России" (
Another site of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Includes more information about cultural programs and news and events. In Russian, some English.

Museums and Art Galleries

Art-каталог (
Online art gallery of 19 well-known Russian artists. The site provides biographies, chronologies, and reproductions of numerous works for each artist as well as a handful of masterpieces for each painter. In Russian.

Государственный исторический музей (
Site of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. In Russian.

Государственная Третъяковская галерея (
Site of the State Tret'iakov Gallery in Moscow, the National Museum of Russian Fine Art. Links include information on the gallery and planning a visit. In Russian, some English.

Музеи России (
Online guide to Russian museums and galleries, including current information about exhibits. Also has links to Web sites of the individual museums and galleries. In Russian.

Open Directory Project. Reference: Museums: Arts and Entertainment: Art Museums: European: Russian (
Annotated links (in English) to museums; sites mostly in Russian.

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (
One of Moscow's most preeminent art museums. Includes information on museum history and collections and exhibitions. Available in both Russian and English.

State Hermitage Museum (
Includes links to information about the Saint Petersburg museum, collection highlights, exhibitions, and a virtual visit. Available in both Russian and English.

State Russian Museum (
Site of the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg, which is devoted to Russian art from the 10th to the 21st centuries. Links include information about the museum, parks and palaces, exhibitions and collections, and an events calendar. Available in both English and Russian.


Энциклопедия кино (
A free online, keyword-searchable, encyclopedia of Russian and world cinema. Contains thousands of articles and illustrations. In Russian, with a pop-up Cyrillic keyboard for searching. национальный кинопортал (
Cinema portal includes information about both Russian and non-Russian film. In Russian.

Киноман (
Portal from the Russian city of Voronezh on contemporary film. Much of the content concerns non-Russian films, but there is some information about new Russian films as well. In Russian.

RusКино (
Portal about Russian and Soviet cinema includes details on a myriad of films from different genres as well as interviews, biographies of actors, and festival information. Under the heading "Populiarnometr" are results of popularity polls for contemporary Russian actors and actresses. In Russian.

Russian Archives Online (
RAO is an online collection of Russian and Soviet-related archives and other sources of film footage, photographs, illustrations, and audio, along with supporting documents and text. English-language interface allows access to Russian archival collections. One of the archives is the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk (RGAKFD) which documents the entire history of Russian filmmaking, beginning with footage of the 1896 coronation of Czar Nicholas II . Search the Russian catalog with Cyrillic and the English catalog with Latin fonts.


There are literally thousands of Web sites in Russian about music, thus all Russian subject directories have sections for music and/or MP-3s, which are further subdivided by categories classical, pop, rock, and so on. Many are focused more on American than Russian popular music. Below is a selection of sites with significant Russian content.

Академическая музыка: каталог ссылок (
Directory of Web sites related to classical music. Links to theaters, festivals, competitions, concert halls, conservatories, publishers, publications, and so on. In Russian.

Джаз.ру: Все о джазе по-русски (
Russian jazz portal with news, reviews, and festival information, mostly on jazz in Russia (musicians and journalists). In Russian with some information in English.

Громко.ру (
Russian portal concerning music of all genres. Includes an encyclopedia of musicians, genres and terminology. In Russian.

Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory (
Includes links to history, library, publications, events and halls. In English (limited information) and Russian

Русский Музикальный Академический Каталог (
Official site of the Composers' Union. Includes links to new projects, composers, musicians, and concerts. In both Russian and English; but more information is available on the in Russian pages.

Slavic and East European Library. Slavic Reference Service. Resources for Russian Music and Opera (
Guide discusses print and online reference tools for doing research on Russian music and opera. Links include subject guides, musical bibliographies, discographies, and related sites. From the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Звуки.ру (
Russian portal devoted to contemporary music. Provides news of latest releases, reviews, a database for artists, songs and record companies. In Russian.

Performing Arts

Афиша Санкт-Петербурга = Billboard of Saint Petersburg (
Portal devoted to the Saint Petersburg theater scene. Interactive playbill provides a theatrical calendar, information about premieres, festivals and tours, links to theater, concert halls, cinemas, libraries, museums, and other cultural venues. In English and Russian.

Базы данных для театральных менеджеров (
The Center of Information Technologies for Theaters of Russia has several performing arts databases: Russian theaters, Russian actors, Russian directors, and Russian theatrical festivals. Data on theaters and festivals include contact information, names of administrators, repertoires, and Web addresses if available. Biographies, repertoires, and current place of employment are provided for actors and directors. In Russian.

Большой театр (
Web site of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. In Russian, but information about purchasing tickets also in English.

Малый театр (
Web site of the Malyi, a theater for drama in Moscow, which specializes in the Russian classics. In Russian.

Mariinsky Theatre (
Web site of the Mariinsky Theater, formerly the Kirov, in Saint Petersburg. Includes information on purchasing tickets, performances, opera, orchestra, ballet, Academy of Young Singers, and festivals. In English and Russian.

Театр: страницы московской теалтральной жизни (
Information about the theaters and performing arts festivals in Moscow.

Театр-студия «У паравоза» (
Web site of a theater in Cheliabinsk with a large electronic library of the full-text of many works of Russian playwrights as well as their biographical information. There are also links to other Russian theaters by location and genre as well as to performing arts related pages. In Russian.

Folk Culture

Фундаментальная электронная библиотека: русская литература и фольклор (
Digital library devoted to Russian literature and folklore from the 11th-20th centuries. It provides Full-text access to many literary texts and supporting scholarly works, including a number of Russian reference tools. The texts are in Russian, but there are English language pages explaining the site and its goals. From the Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Народный быт (
Although this is a personal site, it offers online versions of many works by prominent scholars in the field of Russian folk culture, such as V. I. Dal' and A. N. Afanas'ev. In Russian.

Русский фольклор в современных записях = Russian Folklore in Modern Records (
Site of the Proppovskii Tsentr, named in honor of the famous Russian folklorist, Vladimir Propp. Includes fulltext of many works pertaining to folklore in contemporary Russian culture.In Russian and English, but more information in Russian.

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  October 1, 2008
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